Veggies and Fruit
Veggie Wraps

1 ½ cups beans 3 or 4 different kinds (let soak in container of
​water for 3 days, in fridge, before hand)
1 avocado, peeled and diced
1 rib of celery, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
1 zucchini, grated
½ onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
½ red pepper, chopped
few mushrooms, sliced
1 can Italian Style Zucchini
1 tomato, diced
grated cheese, if desired
1 tsp each paprika, Cayenne pepper, cilantro, salt and freshly
​ground pepper
soft tortillas

Drain beans from water, rinse and sort through to ensure
​​​all the beans are okay. 
​In a large skillet, saute all ingredients, except the cheese,
​​for 20 minutes. Add
​the cheese during the last 2 minutes. Wrap in tortillas and enjoy.



FOREVER ENDS by Carol Hibbs

A move to another part of the province is Gabrielle's greatest transition. It is a turning point she and her sons desperately need. A new and safe house would be a wonderful change, or so she hopes. The house is haunted, or possessed, or something too evil to even imagine.

Gabrielle isn’t planning on any romances, never mind falling in love with her gorgeous cabin building neighbour, Ryan. Bad things seemed to happen to people she loved. It is impossible to resist Ryan, and lunacy to assist Christina, the young girl that is either trapped somehow in Gabrielle's house, or trapped in someone's world. Her sons, friends, Ryan and his daughter, Tess, helps her to save Christina.